BroadPath HealthCare Solutions Is Hiring For Several Work From Home Positions!
Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know about some pretty good work from home opportunities! BroadPath is hiring for various work from...
Equipment varies depending on the company. You will most likely need internet access, phone service, a telephone, and/or a PC or Mac.
Most of the time, you should NOT be paying any money to start doing any type of work from home job. There are some cases where some companies may ask you to pay for your background check. In RARE cases such as with Arise, you may have to pay for your training.
An independent contractor is a person or business which performs services for another person or entity under a contract between them, with the terms spelled out such as duties, pay, the amount and type of work and other matters. You will be responsible for paying your own taxes with this type of work, and you will not be considered an employee, so you will not receive any employee benefits. For more info, click here.